
Tag: shopify

Connecting Shopify To Facebook And Instagram [2022]

“How does Shopify work with Facebook?” is a question I am often asked by eCommerce store owners. As Facebook grew to be an eCommerce giant, its features and capabilities have also evolved. According to a recent survey, 85, …


Burst By Shopify – Free Stock Images For Your Store

eCommerce clearly is an industry dependent on photography and imagery. All the relevant information about a product needs to be conveyed to the customers through photographs. Burst by Shopify was created keeping Shopify entrepreneurs in mind. It was conceived …


Hacks, Tips & Resources for MyShopify Users

When you have set up your online store on Shopify, the latter provides you with a free “Myshopify” domain. So, if the name of your store is MyBeautifulStore, your store URL will be MyBeautifulStore.myshopify.com. Although many store owners …


What is E-Commerce ?

What is E-Commerce? Tips and Tricks for the NewComers The textbook definition of E-Commerce is “the commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet”. According to a widely held brief, the E-Commerce term was first coined by IBM and has been …